S&R Orchard is open to the public during two different seasons.
The Pick Your Own Summer Fruits from December until March, and the spectacular Blossom Season during September

by S&R Orchard
Our Orchard is open in September
for our annual Blossom Festival.
Take beautiful photos
for Instagram or Facebook with
our exquisite Japanese art –
it’ll almost feel like you’re in Japan!
S&R Orchard in Perth WA is
opening their gates for visitors to come
and enjoy the magical spectacle
of their orchard in full blossom.
Located just 30 minutes’ drive
from Perth’s CBD, in the beautiful hills,
come and breath in the fresh country air,
smell the sweet blossoms
and take your best photos
of the stunning flowers…!
Bring your family, friends, picnic baskets,
and come and spend the day
in our lovely orchard.
There will be food and drink,
an ice cream van, tractor ride ,
animal farm, and
a bouncy castle for the kids.

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Spring in Perth